Sunday, April 22, 2007

Double Sundaes: Crazies to the Left of Me

I think I should open with a warning: I'm not being derogatory to all people of the Left persuasion (just as in a later post I will not be derogatory to all people of the Right persuasion). Many of my close friends are Liberal, and I myself have some Liberal leanings (hence my position in the middle). However, in recent months it has become obvious that many of the left have gone cuckoo, and I'm sure much of America would agree.

When Rosie O'Donnell sits on The View and claims that America had something to do with 9/11, you know things are going to get ugly. Claiming that something other than the heat brought WTC 7 to the ground, Rosie insinuates that 9/11 wasn't as cut and dry as the American government (or more closely: the Bush Administration) would have us believe.

And she isn't alone. While 9/11 conspiracies have been plaguing the Internet since, well, 9/11, very soon a documentary supposedly proving many of the 9/11 myths, will be released, narrated by none-other-than Charlie Sheen. While he may be starring in the number one comedy on network television, his sideline work as a major proponent behind the, "America did 9/11" ilk has drawn him the ire from Fox News talking heads and MSNBC leftist ideologues alike.

Not to say that leftist ideology breeds these kind of crazies, but these people are obviously from the left. Perhaps it was 8 years under Bush (6 of those under a Republican controlled congress) that drove them all bonkers.

How many licks does it take to get to the insane center of a Liberal? The world may never know.

(hope the humorous edition of Double Sundaes wasn't too much to bear. Poking fun at the Repubs next week will be just as humorous)