The Only Thing to Discuss
I seriously doubt that any blog today is ignoring the terrible events that occured yesterday on Virginia Tech's campus, and I will not ignore them either.
While these events were terrible on their own, they will have a profound effect on the American culture and mindset for years to come (especially among college and high school campuses). However, we, as Americans, cannot allow events such as this to destroy our basic rights, or to force us into lives of fear. If we allow that, then crazy people who seek to do us harm have prevailed.
The first thing to come out of any shooting spree is always the call for stricter gun control laws, or even the throwing out of the second amendment all together. While I think the constitution should remain untouched, that Americans should be left with their right to bear arms for their own protection, I do believe that the gun laws in many states (especially Virginia's) are far too lax. Cho Seung-Hui was able to purchase both of the guns that he used in the attacks legally. And I am unable to come up with a system that would prevent things like this, but the call for better control, registration, something must go up.
When upstanding members of our society are gunned down, the call must go up.
However, guns should not, cannot be removed from law abiding citizen's hands. If that were to occur, only those who were criminal would have guns, and what protection would law abiding citizens have? A crazed person, like Cho Seung-Hui, bent on destruction, could get their hands on weapons, outlawed or not.
The forefathers knew that, and we, as Americans, cannot allow this tragedy to overcome that knowledge.
Our prayers rise for those lost, but the constitution here may be at stake, and we cannot forget that.